onsdag den 26. september 2012

The witching hour

In Denmark also called; the wolf-hour
It's the time from when you pick up the children from daycare/school etc and until you can put (throw) them in bed. I have received a lot of advice from magazines and family members but people tend to forget that each child is different and now that the terrible twos are entering our little household I swear we need a meddler to stand in the line of fire. A personal thing I discovered yesterday was that because I have a cold and I was getting really tired, there had been no nap, I found that my fuse was shorter than normal and that just made things even worse. I think that parents often forget that the children are feeling just like, if not worse, than the grown ups. They are tired, a bit icky, hungry and having no chores they must force themselves occupied with, they are in limbus. A semi-dark place filled with nothing and a slight fog clogging the brain - kinda a hopeless situation and you feel alone. No wonder your kids are hanging on your trouserleg, whining and unable to tell you what they need because they do not know. Imagine if you got home, tired, hungry and icky and just had to wait...

torsdag den 20. september 2012

Male logic

I am not one to complain.. ok - sometimes but seriously, male logic makes not sense to me, I know that men suffer from our way of seeing things but they are not too normal themselves.

When asking Steve to take the kids to the playground his reasons for not doing it is that Kate doesn't want to leave when it comes to that and Quinten eats sand...
I have argued against the by saying that if we'd take them more often Kate would know that we would come back, maybe even tomorrow, and it's not an annual thing and about Quinten and the sand, well, it comes out again and it might even clean a bit on the way :P

When Quinten doesn't want to go back to sleep in the middle of the night Steve fumes about the boy being difficult, I insist that he check him, like does the diaper needs a change, is the boy running a fever and so on and the man stubbornly insists that none of those things can disturb ones sleep...

Bread - to leave it in the paperbag from the baker will cause it to go dry quickly, not according to the hubby but when proven wrong he denies making that statement along with a comment about Danish bread and bakers....

I want a kitchenaid, to make baking easier, Steve argues that I do not bake enough to have one, it would just stand around collecting dust, I argue that I would bake more if I had my hands free instead of holding the hand-mixer (which sound freaks Quinten out meaning I have to hold him) He still sticks to his statement: it would be a waste... ergo: I do not have a kitchenaid.
I can update this one: my mother brought me a kitchen-aid and Steve now claims I have an easy life because it does all the work for me... oh yes, but off course... :/

More updates to come