An action I hate and that I know I do, Steve doesn't mind, he doesn't consider my constant reminding him to do certain things, nagging; my ex certainly did.
I think I have what every woman has, when I ask my better half to do something I'm referring to the fact that I would like it done - NOW! Not tomorrow, not tonight and not in 3 hours but within the next 5 minutes but you cannot tell your man if he would please do this or that now? Men feel bossed around by that little word at the end of the sentence and often go in defence mode. I'm avoiding that word, simply to keep the peace at home. Normally, if it's something that can wait, I'll phrase my question: "At some point/Either today or tomorrow/when you have the time..." When it's something I really would like done now the sentence starts: "Honey, can you please..." Steve hasn't figured out the difference yet but all in due time.... I hope! The thing is, mostly I don't mind doing it myself and if I can't do it, I'll find a way, it's just sometimes needed for me to make my man feel needed. He gets a certain gleam in his eye when I need him to open a jar of whatever and often the sentence comes "Yay! I'm good for something!" I smile and shake my head at him with a "You're good for more than that dear!" It's a ritual we have, it happens almost every time I ask that of him.
Now when I need something of the top shelf I go collect the ladder to be able to get up there, I've gotten too old and clumsy for crawling on kitchen counters, and his remark is always: "Why don't you ask me to do it?" And I have to bite my tongue not to say "Because I need it NOW!" Both would be said in an annoyed tone, I know he's not annoyed with me, he just likes to feel needed and I'm not annoyed either, I'm just too proud to ask for everything. I'm glad we have a good relationship with room for each of our quirks, we agree to disagree and often agree on the cultural and language-barrier being the source of the problem. Good thing we're not the problem :P
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