Sunday is an infamous relaxations day and it should be but taking into consideration how hectic the weekdays are, maybe it would be wise to spend a few minutes, an hour or so to prep for the week to come. A food plan is always a good thing to have at hand, it saves the "what are we going to eat tonight" followed by "what do I have in the freezer?" and the panic "I have to go shopping for milk/potatoes/rice/bread etc"
Sunday night I peal a whole bag of potatoes (bought Saturday morning) and put them in a pot with water, if you have somewhere cool you can put them there but I put mine in the fridge. So Monday, I only have to find the meat and sauce needed for the food, pealing potatoes is a chore anyway and it takes up valuable time. Pealed potatoes in a pot of water is good for 2-3 days, personally I would change the water on the 2nd day.
Saturday/Sunday: When you've gone shopping, send the kids with daddy to the playground or somewhere else so you can work intensely for about an hour. Brown meat in a big pot, add water and broth, add vegetables - any kind you would like and if your kids are fussy eaters, chop it very finely or boil them first and then blend them into a pulp. Let it all simmer, add flavours, salt and pepper. I normally go very big in this stage, filling my 20 litre pot to the brim because then I divide the meat/veg stew into smaller portions and one becomes pastasauce (for pasta), one becomes a mild chilli (for rice) and one becomes a brown meat-sauce (for potatoes). Often I also take a few portions of the 'raw' stew and put in the freezer, this is good for Shepard's pie. When everything is done, flavoured and finished, it needs to cool off, I take a portion aside for dinner and the rest is divided into plastic-bags (I lack plastic-containers and room for them in my freezer) and one important thing is: label them! Mystery-dinner in this house never goes down easy
There is no shame in ready made sauces or powder-sauce. It's quick and easy
I hate tinned or canned foods, I seriously hate them! I buy all my vegetables in frost or I buy them fresh at the marked, clean and portion pack them and stuff them in the freezer, it's easy that way to make sure you add a few greens to the plate, it's important for you and it's important to teach your child to eat.
torsdag den 7. marts 2013
Prepping the week
Cutting corners
I'm busy and with the two little ones around my ankles all the time I am very busy. There is laundry, cooking, cleaning and kids that needs food, clean clothes and attention and I'm at home all the time. I can't start to imagine how I'm going to get everything done when I start working so I've started cutting corners and planning ahead.
I serve my kids porridge in the morning but the damn thing is warm and kids aren't really known for their patience so what to do? I like adding fruit or berries to the porridge, for a bit of flavour and to make it a bit sweet. I've bought a big quantity of berries, boiled them and added a bit of sugar

Put them in the freezer in plastic-containers (icecube-bags are not recommended, it's impossible to pour the berrie-compot into them without getting a hot mess) I only filled the container about a centimetre and then as they were frozen, I cut them into squares and back in a container, ready for use.
Adding a few cubes cools the porridge so it's ready to serve without you having to blow yourself blue in order to serve your hungry (STARVING! ) child as quickly as possible.
Tip: Pour milk into icecube-bags and use to cool porridge, rice and mashed potatoes
I serve my kids porridge in the morning but the damn thing is warm and kids aren't really known for their patience so what to do? I like adding fruit or berries to the porridge, for a bit of flavour and to make it a bit sweet. I've bought a big quantity of berries, boiled them and added a bit of sugar
I blended them
Adding a few cubes cools the porridge so it's ready to serve without you having to blow yourself blue in order to serve your hungry (STARVING! ) child as quickly as possible.
Tip: Pour milk into icecube-bags and use to cool porridge, rice and mashed potatoes
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