torsdag den 7. marts 2013

Cutting corners

I'm busy and with the two little ones around my ankles all the time I am very busy. There is laundry, cooking, cleaning and kids that needs food, clean clothes and attention and I'm at home all the time. I can't start to imagine how I'm going to get everything done when I start working so I've started cutting corners and planning ahead.

I serve my kids porridge in the morning but the damn thing is warm and kids aren't really known for their patience so what to do? I like adding fruit or berries to the porridge, for a bit of flavour and to make it a bit sweet. I've bought a big quantity of berries, boiled them and added a bit of sugar

I blended them 

Put them in the freezer in plastic-containers (icecube-bags are not recommended, it's impossible to pour the berrie-compot into them without getting a hot mess) I only filled the container about a centimetre and then as they were frozen, I cut them into squares and back in a container, ready for use.
Adding a few cubes cools the porridge so it's ready to serve without you having to blow yourself blue in order to serve your hungry (STARVING! ) child as quickly as possible.
Tip: Pour milk into icecube-bags and use to cool porridge, rice and mashed potatoes

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