tirsdag den 31. januar 2012

I do not understand children...

Children are weird creatures if you ask me, they start out helpless, then grow and become more and more self-sufficient but if abilities fail, they are back at square one - or so it seems. My gorgeous bonus-daughter pinches the babypowder out of the changing bag and emptied it into her bed... why? She didn't know and I didn't know... the bed smells nicely but the sheets needs a wash (even though newly washed)
She was playing with the toilet brush, 'cleaning' the toilet and causing a small flooding of the toilet-room, why? She didn't know and I still don't know... I guess it was because it was fun, well, more fun playing (her) than having to clean up (me)
My son is happily playing in his pen but as soon as he sees me, he falls over, tumbles and doesn't like his toys anymore, stretches his arms out for me to come pick him up, why? He's too young to explain why the sight of me reminded him that he was alone and neglected.
And then there is the fight against Morpheus, always! every night! every day (unless we're out walking) He's so tired he cannot focus and his head keeps dropping, eyes are constantly being rubbed but no, we do not give up! We're stronger than him and we'll go down kicking and screaming - literally! It's funny to watch though, annoying to listen to and horrible dealing with but one day, we hope he's going to be like his sister who is a blessing (mostly!) when it comes to bedtime.
In general children are lovely, difficult, charming and pains and one day, when they have children they will understand what we went though with them.... just like we now understand what our parents went through with us.... is it called Circle of Life?

3 kommentarer:

  1. Hej Bente.

    Faldt over din blog hos 1000 reason I'm a bad mom.

    Har selv været dansker i udlandet, London i 7år:)

    1. Hej Mette,

      Jamen hvor hyggeligt at du så valgte at kikke forbi her :P
      Har også selv boet i London og må sige jeg savner det, det er lidt nemmere med et sprog man forstår fra starten af. Er du så hjemme i DK nu eller er du flyttet videre?

    2. Jeg bor nu i Danmark igen med min engelske hubby og vores børn. Savner London:) Vi besøger tit familien i England men det er i Hitchen, ikke London. Vi flyttede til Dk fordi jeg blev syg (MS) Hubby elsker Danmark! Jegsavner at være udlandsdansker. Du kan læse med her: http://oddparent.blogspot.com/
      Super blog du har:)
